The micromax yu cyanogen powerd smartphone will be receiving its android 5.0 lollipop update shortly with the new cyanogen mod 12
Rahul Sharma ,the co-founder and CEO of yu, reviles that the os is submitted for testing and certification by Google and our experts think that since the roll out is still so late the company will be pushing itself to make the roll-out as fast as possible.

Rahul Sharma ,the co-founder and CEO of yu, reviles that the os is submitted for testing and certification by Google and our experts think that since the roll out is still so late the company will be pushing itself to make the roll-out as fast as possible.

1.Home screen
CM12’s home screen looks radically different from CyanogenMod 11’s homescreen. This is mainly because of the UI overhaul that Lollipop brings to the table and has nothing to do with any of the customization done by CyanogenMod team though.
Compared to the Trebuchet launcher in CM11, the stock CM launcher in CM12 does not contain any customization options and even lacks support for gestures and icon packs. While a bummer for many, popular third-party launchers like Apex and Nova, which contain these features and more, have already been updated for Lollipop and can be easily installed from the Google Play Store.
(If you will install the Google Apps package, which most users almost always will, the stock launcher from CyanogenMod will be replaced by the Google Experience Launcher (GEL) that offers quick and easy access to Google Now from your homescreen)
2.Personalisation Options
Compared to CM11, CM12 lacks a lot of personalisation options at the moment, which is a given since it has only been in development for a month. Nevertheless, the ROM still contains many handy features that will be appreciated by power users.
Status bar: Under this sub-menu in the Settings menu, you will find some basic customisation options that mainly relate to the status bar of the device. Below is a list of all the items present here
- Clock Style: Change the status bar clock position to left, right or center.
- AM/PM style: Enable or disable AM/PM for the status bar clock.
- Battery Status style: Change the stock battery icon to circle, text, switch its position to landscape, or hide it altogether.
- Battery percentage: Shows the percentage of battery remaining inside the status bar battery icon or next to it.
- Brightness Control: Once enabled, you can control the brightness of your Android device by simply swiping your finger across the status bar from anywhere in the OS.
- Show notification count: Displays a small icon along with the number of unread notifications on the top-left corner of the status bar.
Notification drawer: Contains customization options related to the notification drawer. Since Google has completely revamped the notification bar in Android 5.0 Lollipop, some of the notification drawer related features are missing from CM12 and won’t be making their way back as well.
- Quick pulldown: Once enabled, pulling the status bar down from the right edge will automatically bring down the Quick Settings instead of only the notification bar.
- Show weather: A new option in CM12 that will display the weather condition right above the Quick Settings panel.
- Quick Settings panel: Contains customization options related to the Quick Settings panel, including the ability to configure the tiles that will be displayed, toggling the brightness slider on/off, and reducing the size of the first two QS tiles, which are enlarged by default.
Themes: The new Theme engine from CyanogenMod is extremely powerful and allows themes to completely change nearly every aspect of the UI. Applying a theme can change the default system font, the system icons, notification and ringtones, boot animation and more. You will also be able to mix ‘n’ match themes to create a theme that matches your taste.
System Profiles: Just like the previous versions of CyanogenMod, CM12 also comes with a very handy profile manager. Profiles allow you to quickly change certain system settings depending on your location or any other specified “trigger.”
Compared to stock Android and the UI offerings from other Android OEMs, CyanogenMod lays a great deal of importance on the privacy of their users. No wonder the ROM comes with many handy features that provide users with granular control over their personal data.
Privacy guard: A permission manager that allows you to manage the permissions accessed by all your apps. For example, you can use Privacy guard to prevent the official Facebook app from reading and modifying your contact book, accessing your location, to wake up your phone, which will help in reducing the overall battery drain and performance impact of the app.
Blacklist: By default, stock Android lacks the ability to blacklist/block calls and messages from a particular number. Thankfully, the CyanogenMod team has included a blacklist in their ROM that allows you to blacklist any number by simply adding it to the list. As a bonus, you can specify if you want to only block incoming calls, messages, or both from your stalker or not.
Filter notifications: If your notification bar is always filled with unwanted notifications, you can filter or ignore them from here.
Sound & Notification: With Lollipop, Google gave the notification and sound system in Android a major overhaul that is considered by many a major downgrade. Thankfully, CyanogenMod 12 fixes that and provides individual control over Media, Alarm and Ring volumes.
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