To keep such large amount of community interested is a tough task but now i think facebook has found a solution for it...GAMES!!
This is not the first time facebook launching apps for messenger,
Facebook launched its first round of apps for the Messenger back in March of this year, but no games were included with in it.
Most apps were for sharing gifs, still images and videos with friends, which makes the new Doodle Draw for Messenger the first game for Facebook Messenger
There where reports from May onwards , that Facebook was in talks with various developers to create games for the Messenger platform, so assume Doodle Draw will be the first of many games for Messenger.
The app is more-or-less a copy of Draw Something which, if you remember, was a game which took over the world for about five minutes in 2012, itself a copy of an extremely obscure game called Pictionary. If you don't remember either of those, one person draws something and the other has to guess: a perfect game for the Messenger platform if there ever was one.
Apps and games in Messenger are designed to keep users engaged with the app for a longer time. More engagement with the app would theoretically lead to more user engagement with Facebook's mobile and desktop platforms, which would help increase ad revenue.
TechCrunch Senior Writer Josh Constine is concerned that games could turn Messenger into a home for spam, much in the way that Farmville (and pretty much everything else from Zynga) made a mess of Facebook's desktop platform.
If you remember that dark period, you'll undoubtedly share this fear.
As Constine notes, Doodle Draw doesn't really assuage this fear as players earn in-game currency for getting more friends to play with them. It's not difficult to imagine Messenger being overrun with spammy games if Facebook doesn't do anything to discourage this.
If my guesses are correct its not far from a time that chat heads popup with ads...
I mean zuckerberg is not doing this for charity is he